Challengers' Action
r僥何 鮄檀麗晒僥親 1定 竃高隆才
Santa Clara UniversityではF仇で僥んでいる僥伏とともにワ`クショップを佩ったが、ここで湖じたのは、泳らは謹中議な麗の圭を械に佩っているということである。そのため、いろいろな叔業から秤鵑鮗めたり、麿繁の吭にしてとても匯伏卉き、そしてそれらを函り秘れたりしながら徭附の深えをつくりあげていた。また、とりわけ暴徭附が咫鵑鵬个辰燭里蓮↑F仇でPく晩云繁の徊である。
はじめにPlug and Play Tech Centerでは?な並秤をもった軟I社の繁?やF仇でPく晩云繁の圭のおをくことができた。畠Tに慌宥して冱えるのは、泳らもまた、とても伏き伏きとしておりxかしかったということだ。峻徭附の碧並にFりをもち、朕議をもって、Sしんでいるように湖じた。暴たちは、軟I社の繁?が4蛍という泙蕕譴rgの嶄で、誘Y社の繁?にし、徭蛍のアイディアを侘にして碧並にするという、徭附の繁伏をかけたといっても^冱ではないプレゼンをVえかけるピッチセッションを僥させてもらった。泳らはみな徭附のアイディアに徭佚を隔ち、伏き伏きと、因宀を哈きzむようなプレゼンを佩っていた。また、F仇でPく晩云繁の圭も揖に、とても伏き伏きと暴たちの|に基えてくれたこともとても咫鵑鵬个辰討い襦
肝に、MBARI、Carnegie Institution for Scienceで冩梢宀としてPくe侭さん健曇は屈繁とも、徭附のd龍v伉のある蛍勸のをするHにとてもSしそうにh苧してくれたのが咫鶺弔任△襦また、晩云で伏試し、冩梢してきたUYを隔つ繁だからこそわかるシリコンバレ`の沛Lと、その沛LやF仇で匯wに冩梢する繁?のモQによって_羨される、晩云とはなる冩梢悶崙のおをくことができた。そのおからも、シリコンバレ`がどうして械に篁しAけることができるのか、ということにする基えが蛍かったような櫃した。
DENSO AMERICAでPく繁との恙氏を宥して、勸をレく隔つこと、徭附の辛嬬來を倭めないこと、やってみることの嶷勣來を_Jし、シリコンバレ`のs雰と晩云繁にvする徭附の深え圭やモQ、岑Rを們えることができた。そして、シリコンバレ`のみや措さを燕中貧の尖盾だけでなく、しっかりと徭蛍並にとらえなおしてインプットすることができた。
書指のプログラムに歌紗し、冩俐の余嶄から徭附の繍栖について深えるC氏を謹く隔つようになった。また、書検かんでいる町隼とした徭附の繍栖颪鬚ため、gFしていくためには書からその輿岬を恬っていかなければならないと祐湖した。この櫃鼎は書瘁の暴徭附の繍栖にとって寄きなХであると湖じており、書指の冩俐に歌紗できたことをとてもうれしく房う。そして、櫃鼎ことができた深えやUYを伏かして、書瘁の伏試で彭?と撹Lしたいと房う。 恷瘁に、書指の冩俐の豚gはコロナウイルスの湖半寄があり、畠弊順でも函り貧げられるニュ`スとなっていた。暴たちがアメリカをLれたときは、嶄忽では湖半がレがっていたものの、晩云やアメリカではまだそれほど湖半はレまっていなかったが、おそらくアメリカ繁からすれば、晩云繁は嶄忽繁にもえるであろうし、仇尖議にみても、嶄忽も晩云も揖仇曝というJRになるだろう。だが、晩?震?と彜rが晒する嶄でも、シリコンバレ`の繁?は暴たちを酔く鞭け秘れ、鬉靴討ださった。そんなシリコンバレ`の繁?をはじめ、哈楕?スケジュ`ル筝をしてくださった枠伏圭、匯wに僥びを侮めることができた嶼g、またそのような彜rでこの冩俐をo並にKえることができたことに湖xを峰べたいと房う。
This report mainly consists of what I felt through the tour in the United States, with focusing on my thoughts and changes through the first year's Challenge Supporting Program in the following format.
1. Introduction
2. People in Silicon Valley
3. Mind changes through the training tour
4. Conclusion
1. Introduction
When I joined the Challenge Supporting Program, I only regarded Silicon Valley as a place where the IT industry was thriving. However, I actually visited Silicon Valley this time, my recognition turned out to be outdated. Silicon Valley is a city where innovation is thriving, and Silicon Valley is also changing constantly like a living creature. So why is Silicon Valley changing all the time? The answer quickly occurred to me. The usual changes are accomplished by people living there. I could understand this answer by listening to the people who live in and work at Silicon Valley. In the basic seminar prior to the training tour, I thought about immigration, discussed the members of the challenge supporting program. And I learned a lot of values and ways of thinking, but the people in Silicon Valley brought me further fresh air. In the next section, I'll mention some knowledge I've learned from people in Silicon Valley.
2. People in Silicon Valley
We visited various institutes like research institutes, universities, museums, and so on. In this training, I could see people from various countries take a lively part in each workplace.
First, at university, I could comprehend the people from various countries work together in one place. The factor in common among them is that they are proud of themselves. Their attitude toward alignment was so brilliant for me and I could not believe they are the university students as well as us. The place "Silicon Valley" doesn't only attract young people, including university students, but also accelerates their confidences. When I held some workshops with students at Santa Clara University, they always paid attention to have multidimensional perspectives. Therefore, they tried to gather information from various aspects, listened to the opinions of others eagerly, and took other ideas into their own ideas. The most impressive thing to me was the attitude of some Japanese working there. At the Plug and Play Tech Center, I was able to exchange ideas with various entrepreneurs and Japanese people working there. Everyone is energetic and seemed to be proud of their work. I could attend the pitch sessions that entrepreneurs make presentations to investors for their lives. All the entrepreneurs were proud of their presentations though they can explain their visions only in a few minutes. They all have confidence in their own ideas and got investors involved in their brilliant business visions. Besides, it was also very impressive to me that Japanese people who worked there were willing to share their experiences.
Second, it is impressive that Mr. and Mrs. Bessho, who were working as a researcher at MBARI and Carnegie Institution for Science, took pride in their job. They had their own views toward the styles of businesses and research institutions in the Silicon Valley, which are completely different from those of Japan. I found out the reason why businesses in Silicon Valley could keep changing after conversation with Mr. and Mrs. Bessho.
At last, Mr. Kumagai, who looked after us at Fitbit, told us tales of Silicon Valley. Mr. Kumagai knows a long history of Silicon Valley and the attitude of trying something new without any stereotypes. In addition to this, I was able to know the importance the luck and serendipity, and the individualized business styles.
3. Mind changes through the training tour
Through discussions with people who work at DENSO AMERICA, I could consider the importance of having broad perspectives, trying not to narrow your potential, discussing your own ideas, values, I was able to input the attractive points of Silicon Valley not only superficially but also deep inside of me.
First of all, this tour brought me a big change in considerations about Silicon Valley. As I mentioned at the beginning, I originally regard Silicon Valley as a world hub for IT industry. However, when I actually visit Silicon Valley, it is more than just a place of IT. Also, the people working there are not merely one of the engineers, but they are independent and rich in creativity. The same energetic tendency came out from university students in Silicon Valley, regardless of their nationalities. I felt Silicon Valley has a power to change people in the world in two ways. The first one is a place where people raise themselves. The second one is a starting place where the products and services created by "raised people" change people lives all over the world. In other words, Silicon Valley is the place that always keeps itself changing.
Second, I was able to feel the spirit and value of Silicon Valley through discussions with many people working there. As a result, I come to think it is worth trying to challenge and make mistakes. Until now, I have tried to avoid making mistakes by changing directions before failure. However, people in the Silicon Valley said, a failure is an experience, and a good failure is welcomed. Rather than that, the kind of failures are the target of evaluation. Then I thought definition of "failure" is quite different between the Silicon Valley and Japan.
Finally, I want to improve my English skills and take actions for my dream through this tour, with my schoolfellows. In this training, when we couldn't make ourselves understood our English, we could help each other among 18 Japanese students. But as the training tour coming to the end, I wanted to make myself understood in English without asking other students who can use English fluently. Also, I was very frustrated when I cannot understand the introduction of local company staffs in detail. And I also feel irritated when I wanted to ask a question in English but I was unable to do so due to the lack of English skills. In addition, during the training, I was surprised at the schoolfellows for taking actions so quickly. Through these experience, it is necessary for me to blush up English skills and take actions for my dream.
4. Conclusion
As this training went on, I thought about how my future will be many times. And I seriously need to set up the basic skills to achieve my goals. I think this recognition is a big advantage for my future, I'm so honored to participate in this training. I want to improve myself step by step by making use of this experience.
Finally, in this training period, Coronavirus infectious disease had spread all of the world. When we visited America, Coronavirus mainly spread to China, not in Japan and America. But for some American people, it is not easy to distinguish Japanese from Chinese, and in terms of geography, Japan is pretty close to China. Nevertheless, people in Silicon Valley accepted us Asian willingly such a serious situation. So I would appreciate to whom it may concerned about this tour for getting done with all the plans to do safely and successfully.