執筆者<Hirona Chujo & Momoka Kondo>
On August 19th, we visited an animal shelter. We learned how the animals were cared for and observed their lives in the facility by interacting with them. The way the staff tailored their care based on each animal's age and mental condition, along with the animals' healthy appearances, showed us how much these animals are cherished.
On August 21st, we attended two lectures on Canadian history. The first lecture was about Canada during World War I, where we learned about the important juncture that fostered Canada's spirit of independence from British protection. The second lecture focused on the history of Japanese Canadians, highlighting the lives of Japanese individuals who endured difficult circumstances in a society with strong discrimination and prejudice. We realized that the lives of Japanese and Japanese Canadians today are rooted in the experiences of these early individuals. Both histories are important, and we especially felt that the history of Japanese Canadians should continue to be shared for the benefit of society.
On August 22nd, we visited the Helen Schuler Nature Centre and explored various forms of wildlife. Learning that the beautiful natural environment is protected by local people inspired us to participate in nature conservation activities after returning to Japan. We also visited the university's food pantry and learned about the issues and efforts related to food insecurity among students. It made us think that it would be great to have similar programs at Meijo University.
On August 23rd, we visited the Nikkei Cultural Society, known as "Ikigomi," where we volunteered to serve breakfast to local residents. This experience allowed us to interact with people from diverse backgrounds, broadening our perspectives.
- #国際キャリア
- #ロンドン
- #COILプログラム
- #大学祭
- #公開講座
- #オープンキャンパス
- #ドイツ
- #高大連携
- #学生企画
- #卒業論文タイトル
- #教職関連
- #学部生の声
- #CLAB (Collaborative Learning Across Borders)
- #学部卒業生からのメッセージ
- #入試関連
- #連絡事項
- #第二外国語
- #就活
- #日々の学び
- #英語の授業
- #ゼミ
- #基礎ゼミ
- #副専攻
- #キャリア
- #キャリア教育
- #ICT X 学び
- #Global Plaza
- #留学
- #セメスター留学
- #アメリカ
- #カナダ
- #オーストラリア
- #アジア
- #海外研修
- #国際フィールドワーク
- #海外インターンシップ
- #国際交流
- #社会連携プロジェクト
- #イベント
- #研究室だより
- #カルチャーショック
- #オススメ!
- #最先端!
- #一生の宝物!
- #刺激的!
- #挑戦!
- #学んだ!
- #知ってほしい!