Meijo UniversityStudent Support
Dormitories are just minutes from the university. They're attractive on the outside, pleasant on the inside, and offer a secure living environment.
(Note that rooms differ slightly.)

Exterior of the dormitories

1st floor hallway

Upper floor hallway

Lobby (dormitory entrance)

Room interior

Room interior


Unit bath
Monthly Rent | Water | Elevtricity |
?25,000 | ?1,500 | Actual expense |
Office of International Affairs
With International society's development ever more globalized, and needs to bring up global experts being realized, the Meijo University Office of International Affairs has been striving to establish partnerships with over 80 universities, colleges, and other institutions in Asia, Europe, the U.S.A., Australia, Africa, and elsewhere in the world in order to support international exchanges and interactions in a variety of areas. One of our functions is to provide support for improving foreign language skills and adopting a global point of view to students and educators who go out into the world from Meijo University. The office arranges a variety of study programs and provides backing for academic interchange and other opportunities. Another function is to assist over 150 international students from around the world. We also provide support for their smoother daily and academic lives in Japan. These two areas of endeavor drive Meijo University's further promotion of internationalization.
Student Assistant
International Student Support throught The Student Assistant System
The Student Assistant(SA) system was developed to provide a wide range of support for international students attending Meijo University. It is manned by volunteers who work with foreign students to help them enjoy a full and secure campus life.
Arrival Support
New arrivals can get into the swing of campus life quickly with a campus tour, welcome parties, and other activities.
Participate in University Events

International students are welcome to participate fully in the Meijo University Festival, as well Meijo University Day where students interact with the local community. International students can enjoy the opportunity to introduce the foods and culture of their homelands.
One-on-One Support

SAs pair up with international students, holding exchange parties about once a week to provide opportunities to enjoy Japanese conversation outside the classroom and meet other students in a relaxed atmosphere
Financial Aid
A variety of scholarships are available to international students. The university offers consultation services and can assist international students in applying. A special 30% credit for tuition fees is available for international students classified as A Scholarship students.