トップページ/ニュース Prof. Dosho Yasuhiro of the Faculty of Science and Technology gave a short-term lecture at the Faculty of Civil Engineering in the University of Transport and Communications (UTC), Vietnam

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Prof. Dosho Yasuhiro (Department of Environmental Science and Technology, Faculty of Science and Technology)
Short-term Lecture at the Faculty of Civil Engineering in UTC, Vietnam
Implementation period
February 22 and 24, 2023
Recycled Materials: Applications and Technologies in Japan
Part 1 Sustainable recycled aggregate concrete technology - Use of low-quality recycled aggregate in structural concrete
Part 2 Recycling of by-products from blast furnaces and power plants - Fly ash (FA) and ground granulated blast furnace slag (GGBFS) as admixtures for concrete
A short-term course was held for third-year students at the Faculty of Civil Engineering, UTC in Vietnam, which is our partner university. It was included in the content of the exchange when the MOU was concluded with UTC in 2019 and was scheduled to be implemented from the 2020 academic year. However, the course was postponed due to the impact of the corona pandemic but was finally realized this time. The exchange with UTC is based on an open recruitment research project in Meijo Asian Research Center (Now Meijo International Education and Research Center; FY2018–2021; http://marc.meijo-u.ac.jp/english/project.html). In the meantime, four UTC graduates are studying abroad at our graduate school (three in the master’s course and one in the doctoral course*1). In the international conferences (ICSCE) hosted by UTC in 2020 (https://icsce2020.sciencesconf.org/) and 2022 (https://icsce2022.utc.edu.vn/), keynote speeches and presentations by graduate students belonging to the laboratory were presented.
*1 Mr. Nguyen Anh Duc, a doctoral student, received the 1st Isamu Akasaki Award (March 2023).
The theme of the lecture was “Recycled Materials: Applications and Technologies in Japan” and lectures were given on recycling technologies for construction waste and industrial by-products in Japan. Specifically, we targeted concrete waste, which is the largest amount of construction waste, coal ash generated from coal-fired power plants, and steel slag generated from blast furnaces during steel and iron production. In addition, these contents are those of “Material Recycling” (12th: Construction Waste 2, 14th: Blast Furnace, Power Plant) and the latest research results in Vietnam (research centered on international students from UTC)1), 2), 3). Please refer to the lecture materials that have been published below*2.
*2 Lecture material: https://researchmap.jp/dosho/others/41626424?lang=en
About 70 people participated in the first session and about 60 people in the second session. Sincere questions and opinions were raised during the lectures. Clearly, the participating students themselves considered the issues essential for the sustainable development of their own countries.
First lecture: February 22, 2023 (Wed) 13:00–15:00
Sustainable recycled aggregate concrete technology-Use of low-quality recycled aggregate in structural concrete1), 2)
A lecture was given on the design method and quality control technology for the use of recycled aggregate from concrete waste in structural concrete while introducing case studies in Japan. Currently, Vietnam is experiencing remarkable economic development and a construction rush. However, a huge amount of construction waste is being generated, and most of them are landfilled. The lecture focused on establishing appropriate recycling technologies that consider safety and quality assurance, environmental risk reduction, and cost effectiveness.
Second lecture: February 24, 2023 (Fri.) 13:00–15:00
Recycling of by-products from blast furnaces and power plants-Use of FA and GGBFS as admixtures for concrete3).
Coal-fired power accounts for about 30% of the total power output in Vietnam. Currently, about 40% of the coal ash generated in Vietnam is effectively used, but the rest is disposed, causing serious environmental pollution. A large amount of steel slag is generated as a by-product during the steel manufacturing process, and the development of appropriate recycling technologies is desired. As for such technologies, FA obtained from coal ash and GGBFS obtained from steel slag were lectured on their effective use as admixtures for concrete. Vietnam’s FA and GGBFS have almost the same provisions as the Japanese Industrial Standards.
1) Nguyen Anh Duc, Dosho Yasuhiro, Nishikigi Kenji, Dinh Van Linh: Material Design for Concrete Using Low-Quality Recycled Aggregate, Journal of Materials and Engineering Structures, Vol.7, No.4, pp.685-693, 2020
2) Nguyen Anh Duc, Dosho Yasuhiro: Material Design for Concrete Using Low-Quality Recycled Aggregate in Vietnam, Research reports of the faculty of science and technology, Meijo university, No.21, pp.73-80, 2021
3) Dao Thi Phuong, Dosho Yasuhiro, Nishikigi Kenji, Nguyen Anh Duc: Expanding the Use of Fly Ash as an Admixture in Concrete in Vietnam, Journal of Materials and Engineering Structures, Vol.7, No.4, pp.695-702, 2020
First lecture: February 22, 2023 Lecturer introduction By Dr. Nguyen Xuan Tung, Vice Dean of the Faculty of Civil Engineering
Participating students
Second lecture: February 24, 2023 Status of Lecture 1
Status of Lecture 2